Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Does this ever happen to you:

You come up with a great idea and spend lots of time working to perfect and maintain it only to have other things begin to take priority. Before you know it, your great idea ends up on the backburner with all the other great ideas: piling up like a mountain of great ideas that go nowhere.

Unfortunately, this happened with our dear 12 Charities of Christmas Project last year. Life took over and our poor project suffered. As such, we only ended up with 6 out of 12 charities for 2010.

Not that the project was forgotten - it ended up more in the back of our minds as a soft voice that kept repreating "hello, what about me? - I need attention..."

Of course, the New Year always brings a period of reflection and reprioritization. It also helped that I read a great article in the September 2010 issue of ODE Magazine called "Giving is Getting" that reminded us that the best way to be happy is to make others happy.

So, in our long list of things to do this year, re-launching the 12 Charities of Christmas project shot to the top. We have rededicated and recommited ourselves to make sure that 2011 is full of fantastic charities that truly make a difference in our world and in our communities.

We're in the process of choosing our charity for January and it will be an exciting selection. Stay tuned! ...and Happy New Year! We truly hope that some of your great ideas will flourish this year.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you back, Jen! Happy New Year!

    I know how things can get pushed to the back burner. Looking forward to seeing your charity picks. The gift of giving always comes back threefold. Stay happy!

